Human Rights

Jesus believed in the inherent dignity and value of all human beings. He affirmed and empowered the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), Nicodemus the Pharisee (John 3), the blind man (John 9), lepers (Luke 5), prostitutes (Luke 7), and many others shunned by various segments of society. Genesis 1 teaches us that humanity has been made in God’s image, and in following Jesus example, we believe this means everyone, regardless of gender, race, creed, class, caste, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, country of origin, etc., bears the image of God and thus should be treated with respect and dignity. 

Thus, at Incarnation we believe that doing the work of the Kingdom of God includes advocating for human rights and participating in justice work (James 2:14-17). These activities do not “save” us, but they are means by which we can show others the love of Jesus, as well as acts of worship that allow us to experience his presence as we serve “the least of these” amongst us (Matthew 25).

Human Rights and Justice work manifests in our community in many ways. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, as many individuals participate in various human rights and justice work as well. 

  • Transient Ministry

    Many in Placer County are un-housed. We support The Salvation Army, and regularly serve at The Gathering Inn, two local ministries that help those without homes. Our coffee shop, The Fig Tree, also works with local law enforcement and social support services to help any transients who come throughout doors. 

  • InDia Ministry

    Father Josh has worked closely with the local Indian Diaspora community, advocating on their behalf to raise awareness about massive human rights violations in India. Recently, Father Josh formed the Assembly for Human Rights as a means to tell more stories about human rights issues in India, and to lobby for change in Washington DC. 

  • LGBTQIA Ministry

    Incarnation Anglican Church, and The Fig Tree Coffee Art & Music Lounge, are LGBTQIA safe spaces. The need for such spaces in our current cultural climate is huge, especially as more LGBTQIA youth been taking their lives due to bullying and harassment. Incarnation is an Orthodox and Affirming Community, meaning we believe a Christ-centered reading of scripture actually encourages allowing our LGBTQIA neighbors and friends full participation in the life of the church. Father Josh’s summary of what it means to be Orthodox and Affirming, with biblical support, can be found here

  • Crisis Pregnancy

    While abortion can be a divisive issue, and Christian views on it can vary, we believe that the best way to protect the health of mothers and children is through addressing the factors that often lead mothers to terminate their pregnancies. Crisis pregnancy centers, like Sierra Pregnancy & Health, can help with this in a far more effective manner than laws or legislation. 

  • Abuse Prevention

    No Christian tradition is immune from the possibility of sexual abuse occurring within their ranks. We believe it falls under the umbrella of social justice to do everything within our power to make sure the youth in our midst are protected from predators. All of our staff and leadership must have background checks and regular Ministry Safe training. We will also take every claim of abuse seriously, and have clear channels in place for both reporting and investigating any claims of abuse, whether it be done against children or adults.